Virtual Predeparture Session: Street Harassment and Gender in a Global Context Virtual (Open to ALL students)

Zoom link:

All across the world, girls, women, and transgender and gender non-binary individuals experience street harassment simply because of their gender identity or gender expression. Gender discrimination is a huge issue and something that you will most likely encounter while studying abroad. That's why we have created this workshop to help prepare you. 

Predeparture Session: How to Design Your Study Abroad Experience (Open to ALL students)

How can you get the most out of study abroad? It’s by designing your own experience. Design is about understanding people, thinking holistically to make connections, trying things out, and learning along the way. With this mindset, skills, and tools, you can design a study abroad experience where you feel connected and supported, meet your academic goals, gain clarity on your career path, deepen your intercultural learning, and take full advantage of what your host environment has to offer. 


Predeparture Session: Session: Street Harassment and Gender in a Global Context (Open to ALL students)

All across the world, girls, women, and transgender and gender non-binary individuals experience street harassment simply because of their gender identity or gender expression. Gender discrimination is a huge issue and something that you will most likely encounter while studying abroad. That's why we have created this workshop to help prepare you. 



Predeparture Session: Intersectionality of Identities While Traveling (Open to ALL students)

What does it mean to be African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latinx American, Native American, or mixed race, and how will that be seen when travelling and living abroad? How does this apply to your specific host country? In this workshop, we strive to provide POC students with tangible takeaways and tools to think about their identities in a new global and cultural context and deal with difficulties that may arise from their experiences abroad.

Virtual Predeparture Session: What If? Health, Safety. Risk, and Study Abroad (Open to ALL students)

Zoom Link: 


The purpose of this module is to have you start thinking of the ways that your host university and/or host culture may approach health, safety, and security differently than in the United States. Although its hard to predict, we will go through practices that can help you anticipate potential differences.

Predeparture Session: What If? Health, Safety, Risk, and Study Abroad (Open to ALL students)


The purpose of this module is to have you start thinking of the ways that your host university and/or host culture may approach health, safety, and security differently than in the United States. Although its hard to predict, we will go through practices that can help you anticipate potential differences.

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