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The Global Observer Publication

**Publication currently suspended due to COVID-19**

The Global Observer is a print and online publication* committed to exploring global issues and trends. Written by Tulane students, alumni, faculty or staff authors of diverse backgrounds and perspectives, each print issue will explore a theme. Our goal is to collect a myriad of writing that will illustrate the similarities and differences of region, geography and citizenship. The first issue of The Global Observer was published in Spring 2018. The theme for the 2021 issue of the magazine will be Global Gastronomy.

If you are interested in submitting an article or photo essay to be included in the next volume of the Global Observer, please fill out this Submission Interest Form. We will collect submissions and pitches over the spring and summer terms and into the fall.

Ideas for Submissions

The upcoming theme is Global Gastronomy

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Think about your own experience with food either abroad or in New Orleans as an international/incoming student.
  • Think about a dish you tried that really pushed you out of your comfort zone. How is this experience parallel to intercultural learning as a whole?
  • Is food culture? How does food reveal elements of culture and identity?
  • How are language and food intertwined? Does the language of how we describe and talk about food carry with it an imprint of our respective cultures?
  • Consider the communal nature many cultures associate with food--from Chinese hot pot to New Orleans crawfish boils. How has food (either abroad or here in New Orleans) influenced your relationship with those around you?
  • Massimo Montanari explored the idea that every aspect of food--from planting to harvest to plate--represents a cultural act. Do you agree with this?

These questions are just the tip of the iceberg! We are open to and interested in this topic from many different angles and perspectives. We'll accept articles, first-person narratives, photos - even creative fiction and poetry! Please limit text submissions to three pages (approximately 1500 words). If your submission is longer, please email Meredith Connelly (mconnelly@tulane.edu) to discuss the possibility of including a longer piece on the website. 

Why Submit?

Writing for the Global Observer is a great opportunity to reflect on your intercultural experiences, as well as to gain a publication credit! This exposure will be especially useful if you would consider travel writing in the future to earn money! CGE staff will work with you throughout the editorial process to produce a great piece of writing and will publish your work online and in a print anthology.

If you have any questions, feel free to email mconnelly@tulane.edu.


Previous Publications

Volume I

Volume II

Volume III