Make an Appointment
The Office of Study Abroad provides a wide variety of advising resources to help students find their perfect study abroad program. Whether you're looking to explore program options or just have questions about an open application, appointments with our peer and staff advisors are available to you (scroll to bottom of page for individual appointments).
Before attending an advising appointment, OSA asks that you spend some time reading through our policies, procedures and program list on the website and complete the Pre-Advising Form. Not sure where to start? Review our Study Abroad Goal-Setting worksheet. You can also watch our "Study Abroad 101" video. We also host weekly walk-in hours at Global Cafe in the LBC Mezzanine Tuesdays 2-4pm!
Our office serves students studying Architecture, Public Health, Liberal Arts, and Science and Engineering. Business majors seeking business credit MUST meet with the Freeman office instead. Business majors seeking to fulfill their NTC Core Requirements are welcome on our programs, but we do not advise on Freeman's programs.
Scroll down for info sessions and our appointments!

Attend an Info Session
Study Abroad 101: Why Study Abroad?
These sessions are similar to our orientation sessions and are aimed at first-year students who might want to study abroad or just want to learn more about our office.
Study Abroad 202: How do I Study Abroad?
Meant for students getting ready to apply for a summer or semester, these sessions will go over the application process, finances, requirements, and more! We will occasionally collaborate with different academic departments for tailored sessions.
Study Abroad 303: Welcome back! What now?
Meant for returnees, this info session will be a place to connect with other returned students, but also discuss the course equivalency process, timeline for grades posting, how to stay involved, and how to make study abroad a long-term career gain.
Weekly Walk-in Hours at Global Cafe
Meet international students studying at Tulane, grab a coffee and donut, and chat with study abroad staff and peer advisors. We table weekly at Global Cafe in the LBC Mezzanine from 2-4pm.
Peer Advisors
Berlin, Germany with IES Abroad, and Madrid, Spain at Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Middlebury in Uruguay + Middlebury in Brazil
IFSA Buenos Aires + CET Brazil + SCLAS Summer in Panama + OSA Spain/Morocco + Non-Tulane UVA Valencia, Spain
NTC Summer in Paris Program + CIEE Toulouse, France
Staff Advisors
Science and Engineering
Public Health, Languages, Sociology, Summer in Stockholm
Architecture, Business, Communications, English, Anthropology, Summer in Dublin
All Other Liberal Arts, Summer in Paris