International/Undocumented Student Emergency Fund

In early 2018, Tulane's Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS), in collaboration with the Undocumented Student Support Committee (USSC), launched the International/Undocumented Student Emergency Fund. Access to this emergency fund can help you face financial challenges, as they are often used for items such as books, classes, health care, housing, self-care, transportation, and legal needs. Any remaining money in the emergency fund is used to respond to unforeseen financial hardships/emergencies such as parental job loss, currency devaluation, medical conditions, etc.

This gift is generally given as a one-time award and award decisions are made based on the your individual situation. Amounts awarded are subject to availability of funds per year and you may not receive the total amount requested.

Who Can Apply for the Emergency Fund?

Th emergency fund is open to all full-time continuing Newcomb-Tulane College students who are members of our international, undocumented, or DACAmented populations.

International/Undocumented Student Emergency Fund Application

What Should My Application Include?

You application should include a requested amount (funds do not generally exceed $500), a detailed explanation of what the funds are needed for and how they will be used, and an explanation as to how these expenses may affect your ability to remain enrolled at Tulane.

Additional documentation (copies of bills, receipts, legal notices, etc.) may also be attached. 

If accepted, how do I collect my funds?

Students who are funded by this program will work with the OISS to complete any necessary for disbursement of their award. All applicants will receive a follow-up survey after their award decision.