Bayla Kolbet
CIEE Gaborone, Arts and Sciences Fall 23

How did studying abroad affect your academic and/or professional career?
It helped me get re-inspired about my academic and professional goals in the field of sustainable development. Being in a country that prioritizes the well-being of its citizens was a refreshing change from the United States, and being around people who cared for one another so deeply was awe-inspiring.
How did you explore your hobbies, interests, and passions abroad?
I did volunteer work in local schools, joined clubs in the university, and discussed the politics of the country with local friends. It was an easy environment to explore the materials discussed in class outside of the classroom.
Why would you recommend your respective abroad program or location?
Often times people shy away from programs in continents other than Europe, but this was the most incredible, life changing experience of my life. Botswana was an incredible place to live filled with wonderful people who have changed my life forever and who will always have a place in my heart. I want other people to experience the incredible 4 months that I did there.
What should students consider when applying and preparing for their time abroad?
They should consider what they want to get out of the experience, their goals for their time abroad, how they want it to enhance their academic goals, and how deeply they want to be immersed in a new culture.
Did your identity impact your study abroad experience?
It was interesting being a white person in a context where that really made you stand out and made you an object of interest to many people. Furthermore, as a woman I received a lot of attention from males in the area.
Share a story about a time you experienced cultural immersion.
We went to a village an hour outside of the city and learned all about the traditional ways people prepared food there. We rode in the donkey carts they use, cooked phapatha on the fire outside their hut, and helped milk their cows.