Danielle Weber
CIEE Botswana, Community Public Health Fall 23

How did studying abroad affect your academic and/or professional career?
Studying abroad changed my perspective on the point of academia. It is less about the knowledge you gain in the classroom and more about the experiences you have and the relationships you gain.
How did you explore your hobbies, interests, and passions abroad?
I was able to explore my hobbies through additional travel and on campus/community involvements.
Why would you recommend your respective abroad program or location?
Studying abroad in a culturally diverse areas allows you to learn more about yourself and the world as a whole. Studying abroad in Southern Africa allowed me to see a new perspective on the world and build essential interpersonal and problem solving skills for my future. Additionally it is an area of the world that I would never normally have the opportunity to visit.
What should students consider when applying and preparing for their time abroad?
A student should understand the type of experience they want studying abroad, and how the program they pick will achieve that. This idea is really important when picking being a cohort or a host institution and the activities within the host country.
Did your identity impact your study abroad experience?
My identity as a woman really impacted my time abroad, as Botswana and neighboring countries are all very patriarchal. It allowed me to understand how privileged we are at home to be seen as equals in educational or professional settings.
Share a story about a time you experienced cultural immersion.
I was able to experience the daily life of a rural Botswana family which allowed me to not only understand the daily activities of farming, cooking, and other activities. But also I got to understand and experience in depth the gender roles within Botswana Culture. This meant I helped assist in the roles of preparing agriculture, watching and educating the children, and tending to the family needs placed upon them by society. It was the first time, where I wasn’t just hearing about a different culture but experiencing and participating in it.