How did studying abroad affect your academic and/or professional career?
Before studying abroad I never would have considered extending my professional career beyond the boarders of the United States. After being in the Netherlands and traveling throughout Europe I have reconsidered that and could see myself living and working either in Amsterdam, my city of study, and in London, somewhere I visited.
How did you explore your hobbies, interests, and passions abroad?
It was really important to me to explore my home city as much as possible. I also knew that it was going to be important to me to put down roots in this entirely new country. I became the student representative in my residence hall which was an amazing opportunity because it allowed me to get closer with my peers but also increased my support network of adults and local professionals who were connected to my program. I also made a bucket list of things I had seen on social media that I wanted to do, anything from restaurants to museums to jewelry-making classes. That way, whenever my friends and I wanted to do something, there was immediately something for us to do.
Why would you recommend your respective abroad program or location?
Yes I would highly recommend by program and location. My program provided housing, weekly excursions, immigration help and so many other resources that made the transition smooth. Amsterdam as a city is the most amazing place I have ever been, I acknowledge my own bias of course but even friends that visited me said they love it. It is a tremendously livable city with unbelievable charm.
What should students consider when applying and preparing for their time abroad?
When considering and preparing for abroad, I recommend doing self-reflection and thinking about what you want to get out of the experience. Abroad is challenging, and taking on other people's expectations only makes it more challenging. I would also suggest exploring all of your options before choosing one and again ensure that you are choosing the right place for you.
Did your identity impact your study abroad experience?
My identity had a few impacts on my experience of studying abroad. Almost everyone in the Netherlands speaks English, and because of this, it was easy for me to navigate the city. Additionally, Amsterdam is a place of many ex-pats and itself is a bit of a cultural melting pot, which makes being a foreigner less overwhelming.
Share a story about a time you experienced cultural immersion.
One of the most culturally immersive experience I had in Amsterdam was when I did a cross country drive with a local, Gert. My cousin had studied abroad in Amsterdam the semester before and had used him to travel around to the smaller cities in the Netherlands. Being with Gert, I was able to ask him as many questions as I wanted to and I was able to explore the less traveled and touristy locations in the Netherlands. I highly recommend spending time in places that are more quaint than your primary area of study.