Kendall Fields

CIEE London, UK

Woman smiling


How did studying abroad affect your academic and/or professional career?

All three of the classes I took counted for Tulane credit, whether that be for my major, minor, or Tulane NTC credit. As far as my professional career goes, I still want to go to PA school and abroad hadn’t changed that decision.

How did you explore your hobbies, interests, and passions abroad?

Honesty I just started walking places. Once I got comfortable in the area I was living in picked a new direction every time I wasn’t in class and walked. It helped me get more acclimated to my area and not have to completely rely on maps. Additionally, I frequented new coffee shops whenever I had free time to see where I could find the best iced latte and best place to read or do work. Look up cool tourist attractions in your city and find out where they are and just go to them; there is no harm in looking like a tourist I promise. Also take your city’s public transportation (if they have it)! The London tube was fantastic.

Why would you recommend your respective abroad program or location?

London is truly an amazing city. I never felt bored there. It was so diverse in the people that were there and the cuisine. It was very walkable and is also so close to other countries so traveling is so easy. Also, Matt who was the head of the CIEE program was the best! He had many activities where you could see plays, try new restaurants, etc. and offered great advice!

What should students consider when applying and preparing for their time abroad?

Don’t just go where your friends are going. Being in a new place—especially by yourself—of course is scary (at first) but you’ll grow so much because of it. You’re going to be in your program for a few months at least so you want to be in a place that you’ll love. If you already have a hunch about where you want to go, go! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Did your identity impact your study abroad experience?

Not in the slightest. As I said, London is such a diverse place where so many people from many walks of life. People are going to love your American accent and ask you so many questions.

Share a story about a time you experienced cultural immersion.

I would say the first time I was able to take the Tube without needing directions beforehand. I truly felt like a true Londoner. Also when someone who was visiting asked me for directions and I was able to help them on my own.