Approved Student Checklist

Congratulations! You've been approved to study abroad on your proposed program. Read this page to discover your next steps.

1. Confirm Your Participation

Login and change your status from "Tulane Approved" to "Committed" in the Tulane study abroad portal. Changing your status to "Committed" in Tulane's system does not indicate a financial commitment to the program, it just lets us know that you intend to study abroad for our records. 

2. Complete Your External Program Application

Most Tulane-approved study abroad programs have external applications on the program provider website. To retrieve the external application, navigate to "Helpful Links" on your program's brochure in the study abroad portal and look for an application button.

  • Review the host program's website to learn about the application process. You may need to reach out to your OSA study abroad advisor to secure your Home School Nomination (advisor signature) via email.
  • Many programs fill quickly--complete and submit your external program application to the study abroad program provider or host university as soon as you can.  

3. Select Your Back-Up Study Abroad Program

All students who submit an application to study abroad with Tulane must list a backup option within their primary program application in case the host university or study abroad program does not admit them or in case of program cancellation. Students only need to submit ONE Tulane Study Abroad application. In most cases, students will submit ONE Tulane Study Abroad application and ONE external application to their program. Students who are pending acceptance to their first choice program or students whose first choice program is at risk of cancellation due to risk (COVID, health and safety concerns, etc) may consider submitting a BACK UP secondary application. If you have any questions about the next steps in this process, please contact your study abroad advisor as soon as possible. 

4. Complete the Pre-Departure Orientation Course on Canvas

  • Carefully review the online Pre-Departure Orientation course on Canvas and complete all quizzes (Not in the Canvas course? Email
  • This mandatory course provides an overview of important policies and logistics concerning registration, finances, travel visas, health and safety, individual identity, and more. 
  • Students who do not complete the Pre-Departure Orientation may have their approval to study abroad revoked. 

5. Work on Your Global Cultural Awareness

OPTIONAL: Enroll in INTU: Global Cultural Awareness. This first course in a series of three 1-credit courses is a pre-departure seminar designed to give students the skill set to capitalize from the outset on the experiences, network connections, and academic environment that their particular exchange experience will offer. Prior to departure for study abroad, students will develop a Service-Learning or Internship project to be conducted while abroad that will function as a point of class discussion for the following course taken while abroad.



Resources for Approved Students


Through the generosity of Tulane donors, the Office of Study Abroad offers several awards to supplement student budgets for study abroad. All approved applicants who answered "YES" within their application's Need-Based Scholarship questionnaire are automatically considered for scholarships; no additional application is required. Notification will typically be made via email in May/November.

Ongoing Conditions of Approval

Your approval from Tulane University to study abroad is conditional based on the following ongoing requirements. If you do not continue to meet these requirements by the end of the current semester, your approval to study abroad will be revoked:

  1. Maintenance of at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA required by Tulane
  2. Successful completion of your current course load this semester and continued satisfactory progress toward a degree. This means you must earn a minimum of 12 credits and a GPA of at least 2.5 at the time of application submission and in the semester immediately prior to studying abroad. 
  3. Completion of all program provider-specific application materials and admission by the study abroad program.
  4. Attendance at the OSA Pre-Departure Conference.
  5. Maintenance of overall good academic standing with Newcomb-Tulane College;
  6. Maintenance of good overall disciplinary standing with Newcomb-Tulane College - students who will be on disciplinary probation during their time abroad, have disciplinary cases pending, are convicted of an Honor Code Violation, or plead guilty to an Honor Code Violation are not eligible to study abroad.


Follow the links below to learn more about these topics:

Important Travel Documents (Passports & Visas)

Finances: Tuition, Room and Board, & Fees

Academic Policies on Study Abroad