Why Study Abroad

Watch this video, produced by a study abroad alum, detailing why you should consider studying abroad!


Studying abroad can be one of the most enriching, educationally stimulating and fulfilling experiences of your life and can have long-lasting, positive effects academically, socially and professionally. Through engagement inside and outside of the classroom, you will gain insights into your host country while building on your ability to communicate and collaborate across cultures. Study abroad can expand your worldview, help you become more adaptable and allow you to increase your foreign language skills. Study abroad can also provide you with hard and soft skills that make you a more competitive candidate for jobs, graduate and professional schools, and other post-baccalaureate opportunities.

Some of these skills include:

  • An expanded worldview and enhanced interest in global affairs
  • Intercultural communication skills
  • Increased flexibility and adaptability as a result of navigating unfamiliar situations
  • Practical knowledge of a specific culture and language

NTC's Office of Study Abroad aims to help Tulane students understand and achieve their academic, personal, and professional abroad. Our staff has developed a set of Learning Goals for our students as a way to help guide them in planning their international experience.

Learning Goals For Tulane Students Studying Abroad

Students studying abroad through programs administered by Office of Study Abroad of Newcomb-Tulane College will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Articulate personal and academic goals for study abroad, investigate all available program possibilities in relation to those goals, and understand how country and program-specific resources and limitations might impact the study abroad experience.
  • Pursue these personal and academic goals in the face of uncertainty by assessing local resources and making adaptive solutions to practical challenges that arise before and while living and studying abroad.
  • Acquire, synthesize and apply knowledge that is region and country-specific, and that facilitates engagement with academic, civic, and professional cultures distinct from the United States.
  • Empathize with and understand differing ways of living, communicating, identifying, and interpreting the world.
  • Apply these skills gained through study abroad to future intellectual, civic, professional and personal endeavors.

By utilizing the resources of our office and the Tulane community, we hope that students are able to cultivate new skills, interests and modes of understanding that will contribute to their lifelong growth and development. We encourage prospective students to follow the experiences of current and returned study abroad students to envision the multiple ways that international study and exchange can shape their lives.