During the summer study abroad staff are able to advise by appointment. Schedule here!

Academic Approval Process for a Tulane Program Abroad

As a Tulane faculty member, you may have an interest in proposing a program abroad. The Office of Study Abroad can assist you in crafting your proposal. 

  1. Student recruitment cannot begin until the program has gone through the entire approval process. There is no university-wide timeline for proposing a program, but time to build out infrastructure and to conduct recruitment should be taken into consideration when planning. The OSA encourages schools to develop internal timelines to ensure that approvals can be received in time to have a successful student recruitment season. 
  2. Review the suggested timeline for your proposal and planning process.
  3. Summer Program Application Guidelines: Tulane faculty can propose summer study abroad programs to connect with students, explore unique topics and locations, and enrich Tulane's international education offerings. Watch the video and review the documents below to learn more about proposing a new summer program abroad.


Tulane Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program Application


Faculty Study Abroad Leader Handbook



Academic Approval Process for a Tulane Program Abroad

Step One: Department Chair Approval

Faculty sponsor submits to Department Chair a short concept memo (1 page) summarizing:

  • Description of course(s) or program abroad, potential topics & its purpose
  • Proposed location(s) (city & country)
  • Anticipated program duration and dates
  • Number & types of participants (undergraduate, graduate; TU and non-TU students)
  • Financial viability
  • Academic quality, relevance, and avoidance of duplication of existing learning opportunities

Include a preliminary budget that supports financial viability. For budgeting assistance, you may contact your Department or School Finance Manager for guidance. 

Step Two: Curriculum Committee Apprroval

Once preliminary Chair approval exists, the School Curriculum Committee (or equivalent) must vet the program for academic quality and credit should the program propose courses not already in the Tulane course catalog.

Faculty are to follow specific School requirements to gain this approval. 

Step Three: Dean's Administrative Approval

The dean of your school must review your completed application. Cross-listed courses must have the approval of each dean involved. The Dean attests the following:

  • Support of the proposed international program, understanding budgetary implications of permitting the program to proceed and not run a deficit.
  • The school agrees to provide sufficient additional financial support.
  • Confirms department course number and title have been approved by curriculum committee
  • Approves Program activity in a Travel Warning Destination, including additional enhanced safeguards for the program as required by the Provost (with Dean/Unit Head concurrence)
Step Four: Approval of Trips to Travel Warning Destinations

Following the dean's approval of your program proposal, you must:

  • Evaluate the State Department travel advisories and consider how it applies to your planned travel
  • Complete the International Travel Form and submit it to the Office of Global Affairs and Regulatory Compliance for review and approval. 
  • The Tulane Travel Group will review the request.
  • If approved, travelers must complete a number of steps in coordination with the Office of Insurance and Risk Management. 
Step Five: Submit Your Program Proposal to the Office of Study Abroad

The Tulane University Office of Study Abroad facilitates the review of all summer study abroad programs and the consideration of them by the Tulane Study Abroad Committee.  OSA has produced a guide to proposing a program for approval. 

Guide for Proposing a Faculty-Led Program Abroad


You may submit your proposal to the Office of Study Abroad at agibson3@tulane.edu. The proposal will be reviewed by the Tulane Study Abroad Committee. 

If the program is approved, the Office of Study Abroad provides the online platform for marketing and application processes for all summer study abroad programs. The use of Terra Dotta Software is required for all summer study abroad programs for Tulane credit.